welcome to ixa1.tk!

iXa1 Terms of Service

Everything you do on our site is subject to our terms of service. By using ixa1 chats, you agree to ALL of the terms listed. Violation of our terms of service in any way may result in a permanent ban from using the service.

1. Bullying, harassing, intimidating, threatening, and racism will not be tolerated on our site whatsoever, and if caught, will result in being permanently banned from using the service without warning.

2. Impersonating other users, celebrities, ixa1 staff, xat staff, or any other ixat staff is not permitted!

3. Unless given permission by ixa1 staff, advertising other ixats is not permitted!

4. Begging for staff rank, ixat files or even help with your own ixat website is not permitted! and may result in a permanent ban from using the service.

5. Regardless of any account security features added on our site, you are still responsible for the security of your account and password, and you should take all necessary steps to ensure it's fully secure, used only by you and not given access to other users, regardless of who they are.

6. If you are caught scamming or phishing, your account will be torched.

7. Regardless of any chat security features added on our site, you are still responsible for the security and proper use of all chats that you own and their passwords, and you should take all necessary steps to ensure they are fully secure, used properly and not given access to other users unless you know them very well and believe that you can fully trust them.

8. When opening a support ticket or using the live help chat with a representative of ixa1, you are expected to ask and respond to support in a polite and respectful manner! Cussing, harassing and making threats to ixa1 or it's staff whether for a ticket to be answered or any other reason is considered a violation of our terms of service, and will result in being permanently banned from using the service without warning.

9. You are solely responsible for any disputes or fights between you and other users on ixa1. ixa1 reserves the right, but has no obligation to monitor and resolve disputes between users on ixa1. YOU WILL NOT HOLD IXA1 RESPONSIBLE FOR OTHER USERS CONTENT OR ACTIONS!.

Thank You! ~ixa1 Staff